Who is behind this project

Sonia Wanda Grillo

Educator for Sustainable Development

I hold degrees in Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro and in Social Sciences from the University of London. Currently, I’m pursuing a Master’s degree in Political Economy at the University Institute of Lisbon (Iscte).

The idea for this project dates back to my teenage years, and has accompanied me through the ebbs and flows of life. On this journey, I have learned a lot, and the project has evolved with me.

The person I am is the result of a confluence of places. Born and raised in Brazil to a family of immigrants, I later became a migrant myself, having moved to Europe and now returning to South America. These experiences have shaped me, both in thought and behavior.

Early in my career, I was primarily focused on Social Justice, Human Rights and Socio-economic Development. Over the years, new layers have been added, such as environmental issues and the interconnections between the person and society (to put it in academic terms, the somewhat distinct micro–macro and agency–structure relations), which deepened and broadened my approach.

As a result, in a world that pushes us towards specialization, I chose a comprehensive approach, capable of crossing the boundaries of traditional areas of knowledge. Political Economy, Social Theory, History, Geography, and Environmental Sciences are some of the fields that I bring together in my work, since all of them are essential for understanding today’s problems.

That said, both the project and my life remain unfinished, and I approach them with care, humility, and love.

Watercolor in expressionist style of Sonia Wanda Grillo riding a horse in Patagonia, Argentine




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